SolusVM Extended Cloud For WHMCS has reached End of Support (EOS) and is no longer actively maintained. The module remains available for purchase, including the Open Source version and License Upgrade at a discounted price. Current license subscriptions continue and stay valid for future renewals.
SolusVM Extended Cloud For WHMCS will allow your clients to manage multiple virtual servers directly in your WHMCS.
Your customers will be able to freely add, resize, and upgrade their servers within the limits of resources defined by you.
They will be also able to boot, rebuild, or shut their servers down in your client area, as well as access consoles and monitor graphs showing the resource usage.
✔ Create/Suspend/Unsuspend/Terminate User Account
✔ View Graphs: Traffic, Load, Memory
✔ Define Product Total Resource Limits:
✔ Dynamically - Using Configurable Options
✔ Statically - Using 'Module Settings' Fields
✔ Define Resource Range For VPS Creation
✔ Configure Client Area Features Per Product
✔ Define OS Templates Available For Rebuild
✔ Select Kernels For Rescue Mode
✔ Configure Friendly Names For OS Templates And Nodes
✔ Toggle Root Password Storing In System Database
✔ Toggle Root Password Change After Server Creation
✔ Run API Connection Test
✔ Create/Edit/Delete Server
✔ Boot/Reboot/Shutdown/Rebuild Server
✔ View Available Resources
✔ Toggle PXE (Preboot Execution Environment)
✔ Toggle Rescue Mode With Chosen Kernel
✔ Change Password: Root, Client, SSH Console And VNC Console
✔ View Graphs: Traffic, Load, Memory
✔ Access SSH Console - OpenVZ And Xen Only
✔ Access VNC Console - KVM And Xen HVM Only
✔ Access NoVNC HTML5 Console - KVM And Xen HVM Only
✔ Access HTML5 Serial Console - OpenVZ And Xen Only
✔ Log In To Control Panel
✔ View Friendly Names Of OS Templates
✔ Send Email Templates After Creation Of Server Based On Its Type
✔ Choose Server Resources While Ordering And Upgrade/Downgrade Them Freely
- Available Configurable Options:
✔ Supports OpenVZ, Xen And KVM Virtualization
✔ Supports PHP 8.2 Back To PHP 8.1
✔ Supports WHMCS Themes "Six" And "Twenty-One"
✔ Supports WHMCS V8.12 Back To WHMCS V8.9
✔ Requires ionCube Loader V13 Or Later
Installation and Configuration
SolusVM Extended Cloud For WHMCS has reached End of Support (EOS) and is no longer actively maintained. The module remains available for purchase, including the Open Source version and License Upgrade at a discounted price. Current license subscriptions continue and stay valid for future renewals.
In this tutorial, we will show you how to successfully install SolusVM Extended Cloud For WHMCS.
We will guide you step by step through the whole installation and configuration process.
1. Log in to our client area and download the module.
2. In the downloaded file you might find one or two packages that support different PHP versions.
In the most recent versions of the module, you will find only one package that supports PHP 7.2 and later.
Previous updates of the module may contain two packages dedicated to various PHP versions.
The first one supports PHP 5.6 up to PHP 7.1, and the second one addresses PHP 7.2 up to PHP 7.4.
Note: Keep in mind that PHP versions 5.6 up to 7.1 are no longer officially supported and their security issues are not fixed or released anymore. Find more info here.
Note: You can check the current PHP version in your WHMCS. To do so, proceed to 'Utilities' → 'System' → 'PHP Info'.
3. Extract the package and upload its content into the main WHMCS directory.
The content of the package to upload should look like this.
4. When you install SolusVM Extended Cloud For WHMCS for the first time you have to rename the 'license_RENAME.php' file.
The file is located in 'modules/servers/solusvmExtendedCloud/license_RENAME.php'. Rename it from 'license_RENAME.php' to 'license.php'.
5. In order to configure your license key you have to edit the previously renamed 'license.php' file.
Enter your license key between quotation marks as presented on the following screen. You can find your license key in our client area → 'My Products'.
6. Finally, it is suggested to set a cron task in the crontab in order to update the current usage (once per hour suggested).
@hourly php -q /your_whmcs/modules/servers/solusvmExtendedCloud/cron/cron.php
Configuration of API Access
7. Now, we will show you how to configure a new product.
Firstly, log in to your SolusVM admin area, go to 'Configuration' → 'API Access' and press 'Add API User'.
8. Enter your current IP and once again click on the 'Add API User' button.
Configuration of Server
9. Now, log in to your WHMCS admin area and go to 'System Settings' → 'Servers'.
Afterward, press 'Add New Server'.
10. Enter your server name and IP address.
- Username - fill in with API User ID
- Password - fill in with API User Key
Choose 'SolusvmExtendedCloud' from a dropdown menu and press 'Save Changes'.
11. After you configure your server correctly, you will see the following screen.
Test your connection by pressing 'Test Connection'.
Now, you need to create a new group for your server. For that purpose press 'Create New Group'.
12. Enter a name, click on a previously created server, and press 'Add'.
Afterwards, confirm by pressing 'Save Changes'.
Configuration of Product
13. In order to create and configure a product, click on 'System Settings' → 'Products/Services'.
Press 'Create a New Group'.
14. Enter a product group name and press 'Save Changes'.
15. When you have a product group, you can create your product and assign it to SolusVM Extended Cloud.
To create a product click on 'Create a New Product'.
16. Afterward, choose a product type and product group from dropdown menus, enter your product name, and press 'Continue'.
17. Now, go to 'Module Settings' section, choose both 'SolusvmExtendedCloud' and a previously created server group from dropdown menus.
Afterward, press 'Save Changes'.
18. Select the desired virtualization and press 'Save Changes'.
All options of the selected virtualization will be loaded. Note that options availability differs according to a chosen virtualization!
19. Now, fill out the 'Product Configuration' section.
- Node - SolusVM node to be applied
- Plan - SolusVM plan will be used
- Internal IP - should internal IP address be allowed
- Username Prefix - prefix added to SolusVM usernames
- Console Port - port used to connect to the console
- noVNC Encryption - select encryption type
- Update Usage Each - choose hourly or daily cron
- Overages Usage - choose action when usage limits are exceeded
20. Under the 'Client Area Features' section you can define which features will be available for your clients.
A feature is enabled when a checkbox next to it has been marked.
Additionally, you can define available OS templates and ISO images.
Important 1: It is advised to disable features that are not supported by the chosen virtualization.
Important 2: Keep in mind that the root password is generated automatically for KVM virtualization upon its creation and reset.
There is no possibility to set your own password due to SolusVM API limitations to KVM virtualization.
Product With Dynamic Resources
21. In order to set up a product with dynamic resources, press 'Generate Default' as shown on the following screen.
Configurable options allow your clients to pick products with resources tailored to their needs.
Configurable options can be edited and each option can be priced. Follow this article for more information.
Product With Static Resources
22. You can also provide your clients with static resources.
Simply, fill out the fields marked on the screen below with desired limits and press 'Save Changes'.
Note: Make sure that this product does not have any configurable options assigned, otherwise they will overwrite limits provided in this step.
23. Define resource range limits for new VPS.
Set limits on clients who will be allowed to create their virtual machines. It will let you impose some borders on the created VPS.
You have just finished the installation and configuration of the module!
SolusVM Extended Cloud For WHMCS is very simple and convenient in use. Your customers are only a few clicks away from creating their own servers.
The module will allow your customers to manage multiple servers and freely change their resources. Everything within your own WHMCS client area.
Owing to integration with Advanced Billing For WHMCS you can even offer a product, which your client will be billed for depending on its usage.
Now, let's check the interface of the module in the client area where your customers can create and manage virtual servers.
Note: The screen below presents the module right after the product creation. More features will be displayed after creating a server.
You can manage each product from your WHMCS admin area.
In addition to that, each VPS created by your clients can be easily monitored.
Management of Servers
Let's start by creating a new virtual server. To do so, click on the 'Create Virtual Server' button.
Set server resources and click on the 'Add New Virtual Server' button.
As you can see on the screen below, the virtual server has been created successfully.
Now let's see how we can manage our new server. To proceed, click on the 'Manage' button.
One of the most interesting and useful options offered to the users is the upgrade.
Upgrade allows your customers to request changes of virtual server resources.
Set details of server upgrade and click on the 'Upgrade' button.
Upgrade is done automatically, no e-mail notifications or confirmation are sent.
As you can see on the following screen, the virtual server has been upgraded.
Right next to 'Upgrade' option, there are 'Graphs'.
Press it to see generated statistics on 'Network Traffic', 'Load Average' and 'Memory Usage'.
Dynamic Server Resources Setup With Configurable Options
If you want to allow your clients to dynamically set servers with resources they choose, follow these steps.
Firstly, you should have a ready product. For more information on how to create one, head to the 'Configuration of Product' instruction.
If automatically generated configurable options do not fulfill your client's needs, you can edit them using this guide.
The final result visible on the order form should be similar to the one presented on the screen below.
If you decide to set pricing per server resource ordered, you can find instructions for it here.
Management of DNS
When you combine SolusVM Extended Cloud For WHMCS with DNS Manager For WHMCS, your clients will be able to manage PowerDNS zones and records from the client area.
DNS Manager For WHMCS will allow your customers to manage DNS zones, records and ReverseDNS. Important: SolusVM Extended Cloud For WHMCS is compatible with DNS Manager For WHMCS V2.x.x.
To connect both modules, go to the 'Settings' → 'Packages' section of DNS Manager and add a new package.
Name the package and provide any details you find useful. Then proceed to the 'Item' section.
Select SolusVM Extended Cloud from the list of products and click on 'Add' .
Your package should now appear on the list. To change its status click on the button as shown below.
Once done, you will see a proper note.
Afterwards, buttons 'Manage DNS' and 'Manage Reverse DNS' will appear in the client area as shown on the screen below.
You can find the 'Manage DNS' option also in the left menu.
Depending on previously chosen settings, your customers will be able to add and remove DNS zones.
Management of Billing
When you combine SolusVM Extended Cloud For WHMCS with Advanced Billing For WHMCS, you will be able to set up additional billing options. Enable 'Usage Records' extension for Solus Cloud products.
The module allows you to charge your customers based on the server resources used by them. Set free limits and pricing for used records.
With the Advanced Billing module, you can also display the current server resource usage and its cost for your customers.
Management of Email Templates
You can automatically send your customers emails with details of newly created virtual servers.
To do so, create a new email template with the 'Product' type and 'Unique Name' specified in SolusVM Documentation, in our case, it is 'KVM Virtual Server'.
Usage of unique names other than specified in the above documentation makes it impossible to send emails.
Note: The only supported email template unique names are: 'OpenVZ Virtual Server', 'Xen PV Virtual Server', 'Xen HVM' and 'KVM Virtual Server'.
You can paste the email content from SolusVM Documentation or create your own. Owing to our module, you can also use variables:
- {$service_custom_field_rootpassword}
- {$service_custom_field_vncip}
- {$service_custom_field_vncport}
- {$service_custom_field_vncpassword}.
Debug Mode
SolusVM Extended Cloud is a very complex module. Therefore many things might go wrong.
To help you quickly solve various problems usually connected with WHMCS product/server configuration and SolusVM server configuration, we created 'Debug Mode'.
To enable it, go to 'Module Settings' of your product and tick 'Debug Mode' as shown on the screen below.
Afterwards, go to 'Utilities' → 'Logs' → 'Module Log' and click on 'Enable Debug Logging' in order to enable it. The button should change its value to 'Disable Debug Logging'.
From that moment, each action performed by the module will be recorded in the log.
In that way, you can easily check whether the module correctly fetches the information about virtual servers, nodes, templates, plans, etc.
If it does not, that indicates a problem with WHMCS product/server configuration or a problem with your SolusVM server.
The following screen presents an exemplary module log.
Remember to turn off Debug Mode after you fix the problem.
Locations Management
Underneath, you will find a short description of a real-life example of managing and rotating between locations with SolusVM Extended Cloud For WHMCS.
Take a quick look at it and note the flow.
Let's assume that Mr. Smith has one master server called 'Master'. This is the server Mr. Smith configured and connects with from WHMCS with the help of our module. This server contains 3 slave servers configured in his SolusVM environment. These are:
These three slave servers are server nodes. In this configuration example, all of Mr. Smith's clients order products on 'Master' server and so they receive resources available on servers 1, 2, 3. Now when they log in to the WHMCS client area, they are able to create a VPS and pick server 1, 2 or 3 from the Location field.
1. We made every effort to make our module as easy to install, configure and use, as possible. Therefore we paid special attention to displayed messages.
Read carefully each message, follow the instructions and you will have no problems using the module.
2. Operations performed on the virtual servers are not executed immediately. Give your SolusVM server some time to process the request and execute the operation.
3. As this module supports a template system, any changes made in the module's template files will be saved after the upgrade process.
4. You must be aware that SolusVM Extended Cloud does not support importing existing instances. In order to import an existing account will need to use SolusVM Extended VPS module.
It means you need to own SolusVM VPS For WHMCS module to perform such an operation.
Please refer to this article to learn how to perform such an import.
Update Instructions
An essential guidance through the process of updating the module is offered here.
Ensure successful completion of the module update by carefully following each step, thereby preventing data loss or any unforeseen issues. Additionally, you will find a current list of supplementary actions necessary for a smooth update process there.
Update of Products
Our module is entirely compatible with SolusVM WHMCS Module (previously known as "SolusVM Pro") and you can easily upgrade your existing products without losing your settings.
1. Go to 'System Settings' → 'Products/Services' → 'Module Settings' of your product and switch 'Module Name' from 'Solusvmpro' to 'SolusvmExtendedCloud' .
2. Proceed to 'System Settings' → 'Servers' and switch your server type from 'Solusvmpro' to 'SolusvmExtendedCloud' .
3. Now, click 'System Settings' → 'Products/Services' → 'Module Settings' of your product and make sure that 'Server Group' is set up correctly.
4. The last step is generating default configurable options and custom fields by clicking on the 'Generate default' button.
Your SolusVM Extended Cloud product is ready to use!
Upgrade Guide
Seeking a solution that offers greater flexibility, customization tailored to your precise needs, and unrestricted availability? There is an option that not only proves to be cost-effective in the long run but also includes prioritized support services, making it a truly valuable investment.
Opt for the Open Source version of your SolusVM Extended Cloud For WHMCS module to unlock these benefits. Simply click on either the Get Source Code or Upgrade To Lifetime button found on the product's page in our client area to complete the one-step upgrade process, with a dedicated discount already applied.
Follow a comprehensive guide covering the transition process, the advantages it brings, and step-by-step instructions on what to do next after the order has been successfully finalized.
Common Problems
1. When you have problems with connection, check whether your SELinux or firewall does not block ports.
2. The vast majority of problems are connected with misconfigured SolusVM server or misconfigured servers/products in your WHMCS.
Firstly, make sure that your SolusVM server has properly configured virtual servers, nodes, node groups, templates, plans, and API access.
In most cases, an appropriate SolusVM server configuration guarantees correct operation of the module.
Afterward, check your WHMCS server connection and product settings. If you are certain that everything is correct, use our Debug Mode.
3. By default, our module connects with SolusVM server on port 5353. If you use a different port, you need to specify it in the 'Hostname' field.
The default port for SSL connections is 5656. To connect on that port, enter your hostname as follows: ''. Keep in mind that you can connect on any port.
The 'Tick to use SSL Mode for Connections' field below switches the connection type between http and https. Note that this is something different from choosing the port to connect.